TCA training seminar organized by the National Agency of Italy from November 25 - 27

On 25 - 27 November this year, the National Agency of Italy organised the TCA training: "Digital transformation in VET: towards concrete implementation through Erasmus+ projects" in the historically attractive city of Rome for vocational education and training (VET) teachers and trainers. LSIIDP was represented by project manager Sandija Zaļupe. These were valuable training sessions - new contacts were established, and this time specifically in the VET fiels, which will be useful for the development of future projects specifically in the VET sector.

After the international training, S.Zaļupe shared, "During the TCA training, I gained new knowledge about innovative practices that I had not previously used in project development. What surprised me the most, was how many tools were already available on various European Commission websites and platforms that I had not previously known about. Although all four priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme were nothing new to me, as they are an integral part of each project proposal, it was still interesting, how the training organizers had structured the seminar program by intertwining each of the three other priorities with the main priority of this seminar - digital transformation. I went to this training with an aim of establishing new partnerships. I was not disappointed, because I not only gained new contacts, but also practical knowledge that will be useful to me in the development of future projects. I am glad that this training brought the name of LSIIDP to the world, and we have already received the first offers of cooperation."

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the State Develpment Education Agency of Latvia (SDEA). Neither the European Union nor SDEA can be held responsible for them.

No Limits: Project Final Conference

On November 1, 2024, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Sport project "No Limits: Sports for Gifted Youth", LSIIDP organized the closing conference of the project to disseminate the results, communicate the project's idea and ensure sustainability.
Just to remind that during the life cycle of the project the following ambitious results were developed:
  • needs analysis in the coaching field in Latvia and among families of gifted children and youth in Spain;
  • conducted a survey of coaches in Latvia and in families of youth with high intellectual ability in Spain;
  • conducted interviews with related stakeholders in the project's area;
  • Pilot Programme was developed, and as part of it:
- workshops for coaches were organized - 5 in total;
- activities for gifted children and youth, and their families - parkour, tree planting, hiking, orienteering and canoeing - 5 in total;
  • Handbook on sports for gifted children and youth was elaborated, summarizing all the experience of the project.
The last activity of the project, summarizing all the experience of the project and ensuring transferability to other sport fields - sports decision-makers, sports federations, sports clubs and families, was the closing conference in both partner countries - Latvia and Spain. In Latvia, more than a hundred participants took part in the conference - representatives of sport school administrations, representatives of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Education and Science, representatives of sports federations and other stakeholders in the field of sports.

No_Limits: Dissemination and Sustainability Event in Erasmus+ Days 2024

In order to ensure the dissemination and sustainability of the Erasmus+ Sport project No Limits, the team of Latvia participated in a seminar within the framework of the Erasmus+ days 2024, providing a dissemination event in the final cycle of the project. At this outreach event, Latvian top-level sports manager Andris Buls, who works with top-level Latvian athletes, including the strongest beach volleyball duo - Anastasija Samoilova and Tina Graudina, and the most titled Latvian tennis player Alona Ostapenko, and Raimonds Trokss, who is Latvia's strongest figure in car rally, were the event's invited speakers.

Together with these two leaders in the sports sector, the LSIIDP project team had the opportunity to share the results developed in the Erasmus+ Sports project No Limits and engage in a discussion with the two outstanding speakers.


No_Limits: Dissemination Event within the European Week of Sport

As part of the European Week of Sport, on September 27, the team of Latvia of the Erasmus+ Sport project No_Limits participated in the project results dissemination event, where the team presented the project Handbook, which will be available in Latvian very soon. The Handbook is about physical activity and sports and gifted children and youth. The representatives of the project had an opportunity to present the No_Limits project Handbook as part of the conference organized by LSIIDP, as well as to share the already achieved and developed results.

The participants of the conference were various sports stakeholders from various sports institutions: mainly sports clubs - from grassroots sport to professional level sport clubs, vocational oriented sport education institutions and sport federations.

This event is the first tangible result to ensure the follow-up and sustainability of the project.