First Seminar Lithuanian Canoe Federation

November 10, 2018 In Kaunas there was the first seminar for coaches and athletes funded by the Erasmus + program. It was the third workshop of this programe. In the first workshop 5 lecturers gave lectures. The lecturers were professors of the Lithuanian Sports University, personal trainer, chairman of the Judge Committee of the LCKF. Lecture topics on the training of young athletes, the specifics of the work of LCKF judges, the overview of reports of the international Catoira coaches workshop.
The lectures were attended by 31 listeners: coaches, athletes, athletes’ parents, students, managers of sports centers.
Šeštadienį Kaune vykusio BKI irklavimo trenerių seminaro akimirka.

Please find the description of the seminar also in the Facebook profile of the Lithuanian Canoe Federation HERE