During the 4th monthly meeting the SWOST team was discussing Bilateral Agreements, Tasks division and presentation of the working groups, Work Package 2 and an integral part of the whole project – Work Package 6, that deals with a significant issue of dissemination of the project results.
The team of the 2nd Work Package is gathering speed at collecting the best practices available throughout EC. The Work Package 2 leader is Francesca Vitali from University of Verona. Francesca has raised a high bar for other Work Package leaders! The first tasks set for the WP2 team to discuss the Initial Version of Methodology are:
- UNIVR share an initial version;
- VUB, CSCS, ILEPS, UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO, Lapland University of Applied Sciences will review it;
- Focus on Gender-based stereotypes in sport;
- Initial steps to develop the methodology;
- Partners’ involvement.