- Welcoming partners and new associated partners.
- Management: monitoring processes.
- Project identity: logo, web, social net profiles.
- IO1: Needs Questionnaire: design and procedures.
- IO2: Battery Test proposal.
- Portugal stage: Google Forms results and Seminar.
- Visibility: dissemination, country Ambassadors.
It was decided that the Battery test will be held in September in Anadia, Portugal during 6th and 10th Septemebr right after the BMX European Cup 2021 that will be held during 4th - 5th September. This will be a good opportunity to make the Battery test wider with more BMX riders in different age groups includin Elite riders. Such an opportunity shall give a value added to the project outputs and dissemination activities.
Furthermore, the project members were to point their project ambassadors - BMX athletes that would promote the project results in difefrent media and give speeches during the Battery Test, which is the first Multiplier Sport Event. The team of Latvia, consisting of the manager Sandija Zalupe, researchers Olafs Lakucs and Ivo Lakucs and a technician Līga Dzene, has pointed the following project ambassadors:
Kristens Krīgers, an active rider, who after the Olympics will join coach team as well.
Līva Lizete Glāzere, an active junior rider.
Edvards Glāzers, an Elite rider, and
Mikus Dāvids Strazdiņš, another Elite rider.