In particular, the project addresses the cross-sectorial cooperation of 11 partners in 9 countries, in order to achieve the following objectives:
● Promote and increase the participation of males and females in sports typically categorized like “gender based sports”, with a specific focus on young people;
● Empower the skills of youngsters, by raising awareness and consciousness in their sports choices, uproot gender stereotype perceptions, which could influence young people and their families in the selection of a sport to practice;
● Underline successful cases, share the experiences and the effective best practices of sports associations in the field of gender mainstreaming;
● Create a self-assessment online tool able to guide sport associations. The online tool will redirect users - in a customized manner - to existing tools, good practices and resources applied in other geographical or sectorial contexts, also with important goals of progressive networking and capacity building of the actors involved at all levels.
● Monitor and improve the state of art of gender policies used by European sports associations and the beneficiaries of the Sport without Stereotypes/SWOST project;
● Raise the awareness about homophobia and gender-based violence that happens in sports clubs.
The official webpage of the project SWOST is HERE