WoW Europe 5th Activity 21.05.2021.

The last activity of the WOW EUROPE project was held in the stadium with 9 - 10 year old children with their sports teacher Ginta Teko, who was awarded as the best sports teacher of this school-year. The famous athlete invited to this activity was the Olympian, kayaker, Kristaps Zaļupe, who participated in all "Today I'm Your Teacher of Sport" activities. The activity took place on a rather cold day for the end of May, but it did not keep all of the participants from having a fun and something physically valuable in a creative atmosphere. This time one of the activities demanded not only the physical strength and speed skills in relays of athletic, but also their minds. Why? How? You may see and judge it yourself from the video of the day that testifies all the previously written. Since the rules at the end of May still stated that only up to 20 people are allowed to gather outside, then including the shooter of the activity, we almost fulfilled the maximum amount of the allowed - 19 people all together.

We had much fun and, to say the truth, our team was also growing and becoming more skillful from each new activity and this one was the favourite one of LSIIDP team. Our team has learned a lot from the "Today I'm Your Teacher of Sport" activities, which will be possible for the sport teachers to use in their daily lessons, especially to have a fresh fire in childrens' hearts and a new desire to do physical activities.

LSIIDP team says great thanks to the WOW EUROPE team and the possibility that forced us to seek ways to implement the activites in the tough restriction period that took almost all the school-year 2020/2021.

Watch the video of the day HERE.