BMX: International seminar on training safe 06.-07.09.2021.

BMX project pretends to promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, with emphasis in coach training to improve the quality of sport career development and safety of young athletes. In this sense, the International Seminar on Training Safe taking place on the 6th and 7th September aims to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of best practices in training. Conferences, round tables and workshops are programmed to deal with diferent aspects of safety as the adequacy of loads, first aids or the evaluation of training.

The International Seminar on Training Safe invites researchers to send contributions in the form of oral communication or poster. The contributions must be related to the three topics of the seminar:

Sport facilities

These contributions will be presented virtually. There will be a 100 euros award to the best poster and the best oral communication. The scientific comitte will be in charge of this decission.
The winner will be announced during the final session of the seminar.

The international conference is open to all interested parties by registering in the offical homepage of the conference. Join us HERE! The programme of the conference is available HERE by choosing section "PROGRAMME".