BMX: International Seminar, Battery Test & TM1 Portugal 6-9 September, 2021

Project consortium of the Erasmus+ Sport project "Training to Win" finally found a chance to hold the first transnational meeting in Sangalhos, Portugal along with an International Seminar for coaches and a Battery Test of BMX riders.

The first two days 6th and 7th of September were scheduled for the International Seminar for coaches from six countries both - face-to-face and online. Latvia was represented by 246 coaches who participated and followed the seminar online and additional 2 BMX coaches - Olafs Lakučs from Valmiera Sports School and Renārs Auga from Smiltene Children and Youth Sports School, who participated in the face-to-face event. Along with the BMX coaches, the project manager Sandija Zaļupe of the Latvian team also participated in the International Seminar and was appointed to moderate the round table of athletes - BMX riders. Whereas Olafs Lakučs was intrusted to give the closing speech, which was nicely appreciated by the face-to-face participants, especially BMX riders - the future of BMX world.

The International Seminar was followed by the first transnational meeting of the project consortium. The meeting took place in the following two days at Sunlive Hotel. The main points discussed within this meeting were the first intellectual output - the Need's Questionnaire, which was finished in June and the second intellectual output - the Battery Test that was almost finished but at the beginning of the transnational meeting event was still going on with the last tests of BMX riders mainly concerning lactate after the workloads. Latvia was represented by two BMX riders - Mārtiņš Emīls Treimanis and Dāvis Jānis Elberts, as well as by the BMX coach Renārs Auga participating in all Portugal's events including the Battery Test, where he was acting as an athlete not coach. An important issue discussed was monitoring and control of the project process and an extremely important integral part of the project - the dissemination of all project results.

The Battery Test gave the young athletes an opportunity to meet each other and get acquainted similar to youth mobilities also promoted by the Erasmus+ Programme. It was represented by BMX riders from four out of six participating countries of the project: Latvia, Spain, Portugal and Slovakia.

All three events are memorized HERE and HERE.