SWOST: Local Meeting in Latvia 01.11.2021

On the 1st November, Latvia held the seventh local meeting in total, including three local meetings (March 4, March 5, and March 26) of the project team only. The meeting was managed by the project team member and member of the LSIIDP board Kaspars Saknins (also the director of Talsi Regional Sport School). Thirteen out of fifteen LSIIDP's board members participated in this meeting. The meeting was related to the new sports financing model (Sporta finansēšanas modeļa pilnveide, Eng. 'Development of Sports Financing Model'), which strongly concerns gender issues like gender equality in sports and combating violence. Kaspars was presenting the Work Package 2 (WP2) and 3 (WP3) of the SWOST project as a possibility to link the tool of the SWOST project to the sports financing model of Latvia. Task of LSIIDP shall be presentation of the tool further to the ministry representatives (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, Sports Department). After the presentation of Kaspars on the work done so far regarding the development of the SWOST tool (WP2 and WP3 out of 6 work packages in total) LSIIDP board admitted that SWOST tool could be a positive attachment to the new model of financing sports that could help sport facilities to evaluate the ambience in their organizations.