On the 10th November, SWOST project consortium met in a monthly online meeting regarding development of two intellectual outputs covered by Work Package 2 (WP2) and Work Package 3 (WP3). These two work packages concern the Methodological Assumptions for further development of the main intellectual output of this project - the online tool for evaluation of the ambience regarding gender equality and violence combating issues. The main presenters of the meeting were Wouter Cools (manager of WP2) from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium and Francesca Vitali (manager of WP3) from Università di Verona, Italy. Since the face-to-face meeting at the beginning of October in Montecatini, Italy, the WP2 and WP3 teams have held separate meetings online for three times and they are having the fourth one this Friday 12th November. The project team expects the work packages 2 and 3 to be finalized by the end of this year, which is highly possible with such strong and highly expertised managers of both work packages as Wouter Cools and Francesca Vitali.