RSE: Project "Restart Sport Engine in EU" concludes with conference in Kalamata

90525C39 266F 4181 B332 6682FC9D5434The Erasmus + Sport program project “Restart Sport Engine in EU” is coming to an end, in which LSIIDP actively worked as a partner together with K.A.NE. (Greek), Ajuntament Beniganim (Spain), Fondation Alice Miiat (France) under the leadership of the Scout Society (Romania). To look back at the project, all participants met in Kalamata, Greece, on May 18-19.

The Latvian team organized various activities within the project - remote running and cycling competitions (the “remote” format was dictated by pandemic restrictions at the time), a basketball friendship game for 14-15 year old athletes and basketball relays for the youngest contestants, as well as organized representative participation in the mobility for coaches and athletes. The Latvian side also participated in the development of the project brochure, reporting on the situation in the field of sports in the conditions of a pandemic.

"Finding ways to play sports and competitions at a time when indoor sports were banned, but restrictions on outdoor gatherings did not allow for a full enjoyment of the sporting spirit was a real challenge. But thanks to the excitement of the young athletes, the readiness of the coaches and sports organizers to work in unusual conditions, as well as the ingenuity and effort of the project team, we succeeded, ”says Sandija Zaļupe, LSIIDP project manager.

The aim of the project was to improve people's skills through various sports activities in five project member states - Latvia, Romania, France, Spain and Greece, to improve the skills of coaches, sports teachers, sports volunteers to use innovative sports tools, and to resume sports in Europe after the Covid19 pandemic. The events organized by LSIIDP clearly achieved the goals set in the project, confirming the desire and readiness of young athletes to improve their athletic form with 100% return, compete, win and trainers' ability to motivate the young generation to purposefully engage in physical activity, as well as seek new ways, tools and methods to keep children and young people in the sport they have chosen and to make them strong personalities.

PHOTO and VIDEO of Final conference

Thank you Scout Society for the dedicated leadership and partners for cooperation!

Project website: