The group of trainers of the "Training to Win" project is meeting

BMX treneru san 09.08A hot summer is not an obstacle to serious work - this was confirmed by the working group of trainers of the Erasmus+ Sport project "Training to Win" implemented by LSIIDP, which met online on August 9. Within the framework of the project, a training course for BMX trainers is being developed, which will be an open educational resource, therefore available to all those interested in this sport in Latvia and throughout Europe. The training program will be like a manual for coaches, including topics on general theoretical competences in sports, specific content necessary for BMX sports on physical preparation, rules, technique, tactics, psychological aspects, as well as practical training in photo and video format. The task of the coaches involved in the project is to develop the specific section dedicated to BMX sport.

The trainers of the Latvian team of the project, Renārs Auga and Olaf Lakučs, are working on such training course topics as "BMX competition", "BMX season planning", "Improving starting technique". During the online meeting, the participants discussed how each of them is doing with the development of topics, what the challenges are, and agreed that this section of the training course should basically be ready by September 4. Coaches, good luck to you!

Projekta partneri/project partners: CLUB BMX School - Zaragoza (Spain), Universidad San Jorge (Spain), Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia), UVP - Federação Portuguesa de Ciclismo (Portugal), CEIPES (Italy), SZC - Slovensky Zvaz Cyklistiky (Slovakia), Malta Street Sports Association (Malta).

Project “Training to WIN” is co-funded by European Union.

Take a look at the project homepage: