SWOST: Focus Group 08.09.2022.

On September 8 of this year, within the framework of the SWOST project, LSIIDP organized a Focus Group on the idea of the project, that is, on sports without stereotypes and equal opportunities in sport for both sexes. This Focus Group was representated by five organizations and consisted of five participants:

Kaspars Sakniņš - president of the Biathlon Federation of Latvia and director of Talsi Regional Sports School,
Līva Tauriņa - floorball judge,
Inga Zaļupe - grassroots sports and non-formal education coach,
Artis Raitums - high school sports/physical education teacher and floorball coach,
Krister Kalashnikov - the young biathlete.

The script of the Focus Group will be included in the project document "Capacity Building Guidelines" together with the scripts of the other 8 project member states, and it will be published on the websites of all project partners as well as on the project website: https://swost.eu/