Haven't You Registered for the BMX Online Training Course Yet? Let`s Go!

IO3 drizumaAre you in the BMX sport, but have not yet familiarized yourself with the BMX online training course?! Take the opportunity and register! It is a new challenge for BMX riders, coaches, organizers, parents, everyone related to this sport, to refresh their knowledge or acquire new ones. The course covers a very wide range of topics - technique, anatomy, psychology and much more. After each chapter, you will be greeted by a test where you can check the knowledge you have acquired. Don't worry if you don't pass the test the first time. You can safely refill. After successful completion of the course, you will get a certificate. The course was developed by an international team of BMX trainers and sports specialists in the Erasmus+ project "Training to Win". Register for the course in Latvian here: https://bmxlearning.infoproject.eu/?lang=lv. Learn more about the BMX training course: https://trainingtowin.eu/mooc/

Renārs Auga, ambassador of the Erasmus+ project "Training to Win", invites you to familiarize yourself with the BMX training course and register for it (Latvian language)

The project is implemented by partners: CLUB BMX School - Zaragoza (Spain), Universidad San Jorge (Spain), Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia), UVP - Federação Portuguesa de Ciclismo (Portugal), CEIPES (Italy), SZC - Slovensky Zvaz Cyklistiky Cyklistiky (Slovaky), Malta Street Sports Association (Malta).

"Training to Win" project is co-financed by the European Union.