Meeting #2 of WoW Europe

On the 13th January, 2021 the second online meeting with WoW Europe project participants was held. This meeting dealt with current organizational issues and mainly the traveling possibilities to the postponed opening conference in Romania. The meeting in presence was postponed for more certain times, which we all - participants from  Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey - hope to come soon!

This is the only project, where LSIIDP participates in the category of Not-for-profit-European-Events. Only 14 projects were approved throughout European Union in the past year including our Romanian Beneficiary's project of WoW Europe.

Meeting #1 of WoW Europe

On the 17th December, 2020 the beneficiary of the project WoW Europe held the first online meeting with WoW Europe project participants from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey. The opening meeting dealt with organizational issues of the project, especially regarding the postponed Opening Conference of the project that had to be held on the 10th December already. Due to the overall situation and traveling restrictions the project participants decided to postpone the conference to hopefully be held at the end of January or February.  

This WoW Europe project is a large Not - for - profit - European - Event. Only 14 projects were approved throughout European Union in the past year including our Romanian Beneficiary's project of WoW Europe. The main activities of the project are: “Today I’m Your Teacher of Sport”, where on a monthly basis all participants shall ensure famous athletes to lead a sports lesson in a secondary school for children and youth starting in February till June. The next activity is a workshop “Health Through Sport” held in Romania for the participants of the project. The third activity is “Pedaliada” held in all participating countries. This action will take place in nature, where the project members shall invite children, youth, parents and even grandparents, to a leisure ride bike on a predetermined route of medium difficulty.

One of the major activities regarding amount of participants shall be “The Open Hour in Sport” also held in all participating countries. The actions will consist of mini contests, demonstrations of the great sports champions, sports clubs, engaging in motion of the participants with these great athletes in sports activities initiating actions in various sports among the general public. This part of the action will serve to spark interest into children and young people to practice sport, with the help of the great athletes – national, European, World or Olympic champions.

The last two activities shall be held in Romania for all project members: a workshop “From Experts in Sport to the People” and the Closing Conference of the Project.

This promises to be an exciting project for both – the participants and members, thanks to our beneficiary partner of Romania “Asociatia Junior Sport”.

RSE: Recovering from Covid through Sport

Today, 27 November, the first conference of the participants of the Erasmus + Sport Small Collaboration Partnership project took place online, where the lead partner is "Scout Society" from Romania and LSIIDP together with the organizations from Greece, Spain and France are the project partners. The project will contribute to empowering the well-being of society through sport. Within the framework of the project, several activities will be implemented - various sports events will be organized for representatives of different age groups in five European Union Member States: Romania, Latvia, Spain, France and Greece for not less than 800 participants. 25 participants will go on training in Romania, where they will share their experiences and implement a program that will promote public participation in sport, thus helping to recover from the atmosphere created by Covid. The project will start on January 1, 2021 and last for one year.