The WoW Europe project promotes the physical education and sport, especially for primary and secondary school children, with the help of great athletes - national, European, World and Olympic champions, to encourage children to practice sports and physical activity, for a healthy lifestyle and a harmonious development - awareness of the importance of sport in their daily lives, and attracting them to the sport of performance, by encouraging participation in sports and physical education activities.
Project Program: Erasmus+ Sport Not-for-profit-European-sport-event
Call: 2020
Project ID: 623004-EPP-1-2020-1-RO-SPO-SNCESE
Project Duration is 12 months: 1 November 2020 - 31 October 2021.
Project consists of ten participants from ten countries:
Coordinator Asociatia Junior Sport (Romania)
Participant 1 Association Footura (Bulgaria)
Participant 2 Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia)
Participant 3 CEIPES (Italy)
Participant 4 VšI Sportuokime kartu (Lithuania)
Participant 5 ADCS Carvalhais (Portugal)
Participant 6 Physical Activity Promotion Agency (Slovenia)
Participant 7 HEPA Macedonia (Macedonia)
Participant 8 Club Pitch & Putt Barcelona Teià (Spain)
Participant 9 Turkish Sport for All Federation (Turkey)
Project Media and Articles: