Rationale of the Project
In the field of youth sport education the reasons behind the selection of sport activities by the children and young people is often unlinked from a deep evaluation by parents and families about the actual advantages of sport itself. Indeed, the gender-based thinking and the gender stereotypes are usually some of the main criteria that limit the range of sport for males and females. A gender stereotype is a set of preconceived ideas or beliefs, usually negative, over-generalized to all or most members of a group based on their membership in that group. This happens in sport when an activity isn't actually accessible to all people due to differences in terms of gender. Female sport and male sport are subjected to a strong stereotype that increases a false interpretation of the added value of sport.
Priorities of the project are: 1) to combat violence and tackle racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport and 2) encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport. Main task to accomplish within the project life cycle is to design, test and disseminate at European level a set of online tools aimed at providing self-assessment and guidance for sport clubs and sport associations to improve their gender policies and awareness.
Target Area & Beneficiaries: young people, parents, sport associations, trainers, sport educational entities, schools.
The main goal of the project is to tackle the gender stereotyping and any discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in sports. The objective of the project is to create whole-sport change in Europe sport associations, that will impact on young people’s expectations of gender roles and challenge gender stereotyping through the creation of a set of online tools aimed at providing self-assessment and guidance for clubs and sport associations to improve their gender policies and awareness. These tools also represent a first approach for the subsequent definition of a “quality label” and a related “charter mark” for organizations that meet minimum standards.
These tools will enable sport association to measure progress in tackling the effects that gender stereotyping still has on athletes, young people and families, in relation with sport practice and clubs sporting choices.
The key approach consists in knowing the existing tools to prevent gender stereotype discrimination in other fields than sport, and to transfer them, after proper fine tuning, in the sport framework.
Specific outcomes: increasing the participation of male and female in sport typically categorized like “gender based sport”; to underline successful cases; to create a self-assessment tool able to guide sport association through the improving of practical gender equality.
Call: 2020
Project ID: 622774-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-SPO-SCP
Duration 36 months: 01.01.2021. - 31.12.2023.
Project consists of eleven participants from nine countries:
Coordinator Centro Studi “Cultura Sviluppo” (Italy)
Partner 1 Centro Giovanile di Formazione Sportiva (Italy)
Partner 2 Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia)
Partner 3 Università di Verona (Italy)
Partner 4 Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
Partner 5 University of Montenegro (Montenegro)
Partner 6 Lapland University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Partner 7 Association Gestion Institut Libre d'Education Physique Supérieure (France)
Partner 8 University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Partner 9 Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Universitesi (Turkey)
Partner 10 UEFA Foundation for Children (Switzerland)
Project Media and Articles: