1. Develop skills of 800 people using sporting activities in 5 communities from European Union within 12 months period.
2. Increase the skills of 25 people (coaches, trainers, NGOs staff and sport volunteers) to develop innovative ways of using sports in order to develop their local communities in the long run.
3. Restart the sport movement in Europe after Covid19, and come back at least to level before the pandemic;
Develop a movie about skills development using SPORT.
1. Over 800 people involved in sports events.
2. 25 practitioners developed their skills.
3. Skills of members of 5 local communities in Europe developed.
4. Website with full information about the activity and resources designed.
5. Brochure of the project designed.
6. Project movie developed.
Project Program: Erasmus+ Sport Small Collaboration Partnership
Call: 2020
Project ID: 622684-EPP-1-2020-1-RO-SPO-SSCP
Project Duration is 12 months: 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2021.
Project consists of five participants from five countries:
Coordinator Scout Society (Romania)
Partner 1 Ajuntrament Beniganim (Spain)
Partner 2 Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia)
Partner 3 Fondation Alice Miliat (France)
Partner 4 Koinoniki Anaptyksi Neon (Greece)
Project WEBPAGE: http://restart.scoutsociety.ro/
LSIIDP Facebook account: @LSIIDP with a hashtag #RSEinEU
Project Media and Articles: