Involvement of Children and Youth in Sports Schools with Particular Emphasis on Socially Disadvantaged, Low-income and Minority Families from Rural Districts, Simultaneously Educating Their Families (project - ICY) project's main aim is to integrate more children and youth to local sports schools, sports clubs with an emphasis on socially disadvantaged, low-income and minority families from rural districts, simultaneously educating their families. The project develops both theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical part is designed for administration of a sports school, sports club, its coaches and trainees’ family members. The practical part is designed for the trainees’ being integrated in the sports school. It involves regular physical activities and practices in the selected sports – canoe and kayak, as well as sports camps in the application organisation’s location – Limbazi, Latvia. The project partners help developing the project activities by their experience in their fields: Audentes Sports Gymnasium helps creating successful relationships among all involved parties in children coaching – their secondary schools, family members, a sports facility and children themselves. Lithuania Canoeing Federation helps achieve higher athletic results in canoe and kayak. The sports club Limbazu varpa shares its experience in practicing canoe and kayak in Limbazi as well as provides the sports school with transport.
The project cycle is planned for 24 months. Project activities are intended to start on January 2018 and end on the December 2019.
Project Program: Erasmus+ Sport Small Collaboration Partnerships
Call: 2017
Project ID: 590413-EPP-1-2017-1-LV-SPO-SSCP
Project Duration is 24 months: 1 January 2018 - 31 December 2019.
Project consists of four participants from three countries:
Coordinator Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia)
Partner 1 Audentes Sport Gymnasium (Estonia)
Partner 2 Canoe Federation of Lithuania (Lithuania)
Partner 3 Limbažu vārpa (Latvia)
Project Media and Articles:
Transnational Meeting #1
Gallery of TM1Workshop No1 Latvia
Gallery of Workout No1Sports Event No1 LatviaTransnational Meeting #2
Gallery of TM2
Workshop No1 Estonia
Workshop No2 Latvia
Sport Events and Steps 2018
Workshop No1 Lithuania
Workshop No3 Latvia
Gallery of Workshop No3
Workshop No2 Estonia
Workshop No4 Latvia
Sport Events in Audentes
Gallery of Audentes Seminars
Transnational Meeting #3
Gallery of TM3
Workshop No2 Lithuania
Workshop No5 Latvia
Gallery of Workchop No5
Sports Event No2 Latvia
Gallery for Event No2 Latvia
Workshop No6 Latvia
Gallery of Workshop No6
Transnational Meeting No4
Workshop No3 Lithuania
Workshop No3 Estonia
Sport Events and Steps 2019
Gallery for Events and Steps 2019
International Conference
Gallery for International Conference